Why the plan to reverse engineer UAPs will fail

— Carol Barrett

In a historic congressional hearing on July 26th, David Grusch testified that the US has in its possession both alien life forms and alien spacecraft. He also testified of ongoing attempts to reverse engineer these spacecrafts.

Grusch testified along with Ryan Graves, Navy F/A-18F pilot and David Fravor, retired Navy commander.

During their testimony, Graves and Fravor described UFOs, now called UAPs, that had no windows, no visible propulsion system, no thermal exhaust system, no wings, and could travel 60 miles in one minute.  

Fravor described the spacecraft he saw as having the appearance of a tic tac sailing through the air.  He also said that if we spent the next ten years, we still wouldn’t be able to create something like it.

Over the course of 3 hours Grusch described decades long attempts to cover up information about the UAPS. What makes his testimony remarkable is that the UAPs he accessed information about not only visited earth, but are still on earth in a location which he would not disclose on camera.

The plan to reverse engineer UAPs

According to Grusch, attempts are currently underway to reverse engineer these spacecrafts.

The main reason being given for this reverse engineering project is the same reason for the hearing; national security.

The spacecraft that have been retrieved have been described as far superior to anything that the US currently has.

This means that in the event of an attack, the US would be outmatched and have no chance of defending itself.

When you add this to the fact that the men also encountered spacecraft that could disable flight radar equipment, it makes it even more likely that the US would be routed in any showdown with this kind of spacecraft.

To make it an even fight, and to prepare for an attack, the US is trying to recreate the spacecraft that has been retrieved.

Why this plan will not work

To understand why the plan will not work, it is necessary to do a deep dive into the description of the spacecraft.

The tic tac like spacecraft was described as having no windows.

The first question that comes to mind when we think of an aircraft with no windows is, “How do you see where you’re going?”

The men also described the speeds at which the space crafts both moved and changed direction.

The second thought that should come to mind when we think of an aircraft travelling 60 miles in one minute should be the old phrase “Beam me up” from Star Trek.

However, even after thinking about it long and hard to come up with explanations, there really is no good explanation for having no propulsion system.

After you’ve considered all 5 attributes of the spacecraft, there is only one conclusion that you can come to; the pilot and the spacecraft are one and the same.

To help you to understand how the pilot and the aircraft can be one and the same, look no further than a children’s program many of us grew up watching called The Transformers.

If you are the church-going type, you will know that in the Bible there are multiple references to one substance being transformed into another substance including Moses’ rod being turned to a snake, a river being turned to blood, turning water to wine, and even Jesus taking on another form after his resurrection.

In Greek Mythology, Proteus could assume whatever shape he wanted.

I’d like to submit to you that just because we are too busy with our phones and social media to know how to turn one substance into another, we shouldn’t discount the idea that others before us and others outside earth have figured out how to do it.

By all appearances, on planets without TikTok, you can free up a lot of time to work on your spiritual gifts.

If this is not the case, then the only other conclusion is that Graves and Fravor are seeing things. But if you believe that they really saw what they saw, then the spacecraft that they saw is more than just a spacecraft.

The reverse engineering plan will fail because they are under the impression that they are dealing with machinery whose design can be copied. The plan is a waste of time if they may be dealing with a spiritual entity that can morph into metal machinery or whatever it wants.

The opportunity

This may all sound a little too woo woo, but at the same time, did anyone ever think that perfectly sane educated men would be testifying before congress about seeing UFOs?

Since none of us were quite prepared for what we heard, it may be time to start preparing ourselves from now for the next thing that we hear.

An opportunity exists right now to open your mind to what these spacecrafts and what these non-human visitors may be.

It may be time to consider keeping an open mind to things that may be revealed in the next few years.

This means opening your mind to the idea that technology exists beyond anything that we have here on earth, that it is possible to transform one substance into another substance, and that sometimes the pilot and the plane are one.